Liebster Award


I am super excited that The Diy Indian has been nominated for The Liebster Award, all thanks to sweet Sahar Sultan. Her DIY projects are amazingly inspiring and super creative, if you havent already checked her blog, here it is: diyinadorm

Now to answer your questions Sahar:

  1. What’s your favorite way to begin the day?

Sipping on a cup of coffee and checking out DIY projects and getting inspired. Omg, the feeling cannot be explained in a few words!

2. A book/movie you could read/watch over and over again?

I have been a huge fan of the Agatha christie series, but that goes for all detective novels. Crazy about lots of movies and the list would be endless 😉

3. Tell us about your blog and how it got started

I had loads of time in my hands after i quit my first job and i wanted to do something i was passionate about. Music and craft. So i began making stuff and thought of sharing it with others to know what they thought about it.

4. How do you manage to take out time from your everyday routine for the blog?

Half answered in the previous question, but to add, i havent been able to write a lot since i started working again, but i promise i wont stop! 🙂

5. If you could time travel what year would you go to and why?

Go back to 1990’s, my childhood (best part of my life), watch those amazing cartoons on cartoon network that sadly doesnt exist anymore.

Maybe correct a few mistakes in life and come back to the future to continue being awesome 😛 🙂

6. Life motto?

Remember, even this will pass away!

7. What is on top of your bucket list?

See the whole world before i die!

8. Favorite holiday destination?

Dubai, always! loads of memories there 🙂

9. What is a perfect Sunday like for you?

A day that starts with that perfect coffee, pulling out a recipe and modifying it my way, listening to my favorite music, and getting inspired reading and browsing

10. Celebrity crush?

George Clooney!

11. Which ‘Friends’ character are you?

Im definitely a monica!! 🙂 obsessed with cleaning and organizing and cooking!

There i hope i have answered your questions 🙂 and i would like to nominate a few amazing people for the Award:




So here are my questions to you!

  1. What inspires you to be this awesome?
  2. What is your biggest fear?
  3. 3 of your most favorite sites for inspiration
  4. Your dream destination and why?
  5. What quirky habit do you have?
  6. How would you describe yourself?
  7. Given a second chance what would you rather be?
  8. If you were given a chance to relive your past, which moment would it be?
  9. You are given $1000 how would you spend it?
  10. What is your ultimate goal in life?
  11. When upset, what do you usually do to feel better?


1. Link back to the person who nominated you.

2. Answer the questions given to you by the nominator.

3. Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.

4. Create 11 questions for the nominees.

5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs

Thanks a million to Sarah for this! It was fun answering your questions 🙂

Can’t wait to read your answers too!

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